Saturday, January 24, 2009

Homicide Reports

I started a new conceptual art project for my class (of the same name); this project is supposed to focus on serieses. It's a series of homicide reports about Kyle (the fiance).

Every day I write a new report that documents an incident in which I find him asleep and assume that he's dead. I managed to find online (after a serious amount of time searching) the homicide report of JFK. I "erased" the info about JFK, leaving only enough to create a (virtual) palimpsest.

What made me think of it? I don't remember. I do remember being in the annex and talking with Kyle Conway about it. He thought the idea of using homicide reports lovely.

It's an interesting process. My projects so far have been theatrically based. The previous blog was the latest. The one before that was Jackie's wig from MFMDing, and I presented it as her performance in the show. I wanted to get away from theatre and do something more personal.

Not that MFMDing or Wonderland or Gilgamesh (etc.) weren't personal---they were only heavily masked.

It's interesting filling out the form every day, filling in the boxes describing Kyle physically. But what I love most is the large (yet small) box for the narration of the events as well as the boxes for suspects and motives. I'm always the only suspect. My motives have become a long list---including everything from he didn't put dishes in the dish washer to he simply being my fiance.

Why? to call attention to the very serious event of coming upon someone dead---of sleep mimicking death---of knowing that its very possible that I will find Kyle dead one day. That of all people I would have the strongest likelihood of murdering him (and him me) because people who love one another are the first to kill each other (though, I've read this statistic is changing in light of the increase of serial killers in this country). That forms cannot truly document an incident, yet they do. Information collects, but what does it all mean. There is documentation of our relationship occurring, but what is it reflecting/revealing?

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